Innovation. Openness. Professionalism.

A few Highlights over the past decade....


Knockando Residence Extension & Faculty of Health Sciences New Teaching Centre - South Africa (WITS University)

We have undertaken the structural and civil detail design for a Wits Knockando Residence Extension in the Parktown area of Johannesburg. The new three-floor residence block is intended to have 63 accommodation rooms. The New Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching Centre is a floor addition to the existing building and intends to accommodate ±800 students. Our professional services for both of these projects include the review of the existing stormwater design, traffic management plan and structural engineering designs.

Leeuwpan Coal Mine RAP - Mpumalanga, South Africa (Exxaro Resources)

The Leeuwpan Coal Mine’s relocation project (RAP - Resettlement Action Plan) will provide 46 houses to be constructed in Botleng, near Delmas, Mpumalanga Province. We were appointed by Exxaro Coal (Pty) Ltd. for the design and project management, including: Architectural design; Geotechnical investigation and design; Civil design (Earthworks; Roads; Stormwater; Water and Sewer); Structural and building design; Electrical design; Tender and construction documentation; Project management; Construction support and supervision.

Terrafame Project - Finland (JordProxa)

JordProxa required our structural design capability for the detail design of the structures of this project, as well as assisting with the quality assurance of the structures being fabricated in China, transported via ship and finally erected in Finland.


Kumasi Airport Upgrade - Ghana (Contracta Construction UK Ltd)

The Government of the Republic of Ghana decided to do major upgrade and rehabilation works for The Kumasi Airport, located on the Ashanti region of Ghana. We were appointed by the contractor (Contracta Construction UK Ltd) for the design works for the project. Services rendered for this project include: Airfield Works Extension of existing runway and taxi link pavement from 1981m to 2320m. Construction of new apron and link taxiway for proposed civilian terminal building. Aeronautical ground lighting (AGL) equipment design and specification. Building & External Works Terminal Building Construction including new building - floor Area 6,040m² accommodating 800,000 passengers per year, electronic, electrical and communication, mechanical and all bulk and internal services Perimeter Security Fence Access roads and car parks Substation and upgrade to the power system Fire protection and water storage

Namibia Mine - Namibia (Afritin Mining)

Afritin Mining appointed us to undertake the detail engineering design in terms of their UIS Phase 1 Project. Phase 1 of the project comprised the design of a 80 tonnes/hour Tin processing plant (pilot plant), including associated services, infrastructure and structures. Following this, we were also required to complete their PEA (Preliminary Economic Assessment) for the Phase 2 expansion. Phase 2 of the project comprised conventional opencast mining methods (10m high mining benches), with mining material being liberated using drilling and blasting. The beneficiation process comprises Dense Medium Separation (DMS) modules, combined with a fine gravity concentration circuit. Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation (WHIMS) is used to split the final concentrate into a saleable tin and tantalum concentrate. Phase 2 also included the design of bulk supply pipeline and pump system, to pump treated seawater from the Erongo Desalination Plant (near Swakopmund, Namibia) to the UIS Phase 2 Project, at UIS, Namibia. The total length of the pipeline is approximately 123km, including five pumpstations. The static head of the pipeline system is in excess of 425m.

Final Tailings Line - Mogalakwena Mine (Anglo American Platinum)

Anglo American Platinum appointed us for the design of the upgrade of Mogalakwena Mine’s North Concentrator’s final tailings infrastructure. The LOM (Life of Mine) will require the Blinkwater TSF ‘s (Tailings Storage Facility) height to be increased to 1,233m (final level), thereby requiring upgrading of the tailings deposition pump system and pipeline. The mill feed rate will also be increased to 1,250t/h. The current NB400 steel slurry discharge pipeline is currently under stress (failures encountered) and this pipeline will not be able to handle the increased static head and flow. The tailings pump system was designed for various mill feed and slurry flow rates.